Of Distant Dark Places
100 Lyrics into Stories — No72
The heroine stands at the edge of the galaxy cauldron, constellations at her fingertips as she delves into the pool waiting before her. One move, and she could jump in with no regrets. One step, and she would be lost to the tides of forces greater than herself.
But she steps away, stardust trailing the bottom of her gown, her hand faltering at her temple. There is a throbbing under her skin that she has tried to ignore for what feels like eons.
Soon, however, she won’t be able to ignore the call of the Other World in her mind.
This is my third take on the 100 Story Challenge! Lyrics define these stories, and this piece‘s title was inspired by “Set Fire To the Third Bar” from Snow Patrol.
For the other stories in this iteration, check out the link below:
If you missed out on rounds one and two, I’ve linked both my original 100 Story Challenge list as well as my 100 Faces in 100 Stories list below for your perusal if you’re curious.