Microstory Anthology #4: Some Kind of Legacy

Can you make a castle out of short-short stories?

Jillian Spiridon


Photo by Andrii Leonov on Unsplash

For the other anthologies thus far:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

Thank you for joining me for another Microstory Anthology! I’m trying not to spam everyone with these, but I have quite the backlog at the moment with having written over seventy (!!) microstories as of this writing. I have a lot to explain, don’t I?

But we have quite the mixture here today: science fiction to romance to supernatural drama. I can’t seem to settle on one specific niche to write, but hopefully you enjoy that aspect of my writing more than you may resent it.

Okay, I’ll stop blathering on. You’re here for the stories, not an essay.

Here’s hoping there’s some kind of legacy buried in these stories I share with you, dear reader…

#1 — Race Across the Stars

Screenshot from Author’s Twitter Account

The race across the stars happened only once every ten years. Rue’s mother had taken the silver cup with her crew when she was only seventeen. But Rue herself didn’t want to join a crew just for some attempt at fame and glory. No, she wanted to escape her home planet.

Inspiration: I’ve never seen Firefly, but I was thinking about what that kind of story with a rag-tag group of space voyagers would look like from me.

The Hook: What if there were a space race in a far-off galaxy?

Will there be more? — Probably not. I can’t see myself writing this kind of story, but Rue is an intriguing character to me nonetheless. Maybe someday?

#2 — The Winter Queen’s Awakening

Screenshot from Author’s Twitter Account

The winter queen sleeps from spring’s first kiss to autumn’s last halting breath. When the leaves fall and frost permeates, that’s the moment she awakens. And her dark eyes, like ice collected in passing midnight…

