Mad Rush
A Poem
it began as heat through my senses,
liquid fire to my synapses,
until i couldn’t breathe
for the life of me —
and i would’ve been dead
if i hadn’t had someone
on my line,
holding me close
and i would’ve been missed
in the fraction of a moment
if i hadn’t been so undone,
unspooling bit by bit —
because i was undone,
lying on a floor,
caught up in my own madness —
so fixed on a point i couldn’t see
but i heard —
i heard, i heard, i heard —
and it was acute
like reeling in motion
and i wanted nothing more
than to be wanted
in a moment —
dread desire holding up
but no one wanted me,
no one knew me,
no one saw me,
no one heard me
and i died inside,
thinking of nothing else
but a happy ending
that was fading