Give a Belated Welcome to The Cat’s Cradle, My New(ish) Substack Newsletter

Want to come along for this existential road trip of mine?

Jillian Spiridon
3 min readApr 30, 2023


Photo by Pixabay via Pexels

It started with a whisper. I didn’t really tell many people about it. Sure, I linked to it on Twitter when I wrote the introductory post, but it died on the vine a little thereafter (not helped since Twitter hates links of all kinds these days).

Yes, I started a newsletter called The Cat’s Cradle on Substack.

I didn’t really start it as a way to make more income (though that would be nice). Rather, sometimes I feel like I’ve overstayed my welcome on Medium and need to branch out a bit into other areas of the internet. I mean, what would happen if Medium just shut its doors one day? Stranger things have happened.

I needed another place for my voice to stand out in some way.

Sure, there’s a lot about writing: musings about my first novel attempt, the double-edged sword of content creation, my history as a fledgling writer, thoughts on how the pandemic affected my creativity, and more.

But I also try to share the odd short story now and then too.

It’s a work in progress, yes, but it’s mine.

But why?

