Fairies Change With the Times

#100StoryChallenge — No77

Jillian Spiridon
1 min readNov 22, 2022
Image Source: https://creator.nightcafe.studio/creation/vTWJ3gt8XZbnTkMwNjN0

It was a common misconception that fairies stole children away and left changeling monsters in their places.

Those were the old days. Stunts like that wouldn’t fly in a world with surveillance at the fingertips of any old mortal.

Magic itself had changed and adapted too. Pixie dust would only get you so far. Good luck flying in the night sky with so many planes aloft.

But some things had stayed the same.

There were still little girls who loved to pretend they were fairy princesses.

They were the easiest to lure away into the woods under cloak of night.

This is a part of my endeavor to go back to writing tighter fiction with more stringent word counts. It’s just one attempt at the 100 Story Challenge because I thought it would be a good exercise to do to keep my imagination sharp. We’ll see how it goes.

For longer fiction, you may enjoy my stories linked below:

